North Macedonia scraps ministerial post responsible for the diaspora · Global Voices

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Minister Edmond Ademi at a meeting with representatives of the Macedonian diaspora, on August 14, 2019. Photo: Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, Public Domain. North Macedonia’s “new-old” government, formed after the July parliamentary elections, recently announced the configuration of its ministerial portfolios. AContinue Reading

Why is race still in the British blood pressure guidelines?

Visual Generation/Shutterstock I looked around the lecture theatre and scribbled down what the lecturer had said: ABCD. ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors), Beta blockers, Calcium channel blockers and (thiazide) Diuretics. These were the four groups of drugs used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) – except there were exceptions. WeContinue Reading

After documenting land grabs in their reserve, 18 indigenous and black leaders detained in Nicaragua · Global Voices

The president of the autonomous indigenous government is still detained Princess Barberena along with other Kriol community members. Photo taken by the author in November 2019. Princess Barberena, a black Kriol environmental and feminist activist from Nicaragua has been detained by Nicaraguan soldiers on September 27, along with Kriol forest ranger RogerContinue Reading

Breastfeeding during lockdown: how coronavirus had a devastating impact on some new families

Researchers asked over 1,200 women about their experiences with breastfeeding during lockdown. Prostock-studio/ Shutterstock Becoming a parent is challenging at the best of times – but the COVID-19 pandemic and global lockdown measures have intensified this. Many new parents have had to adapt to changing and uncertain circumstances, such asContinue Reading