Legal expert: forced birth control of Uighur women is genocide – can China be put on trial?

Uighurs protest outside the Chinese embassy in London in 2019. Karl Nesh/Shutterstock Uighur women in China’s Xinjiang province who have more than the approved number of children are being forcibly sterilised, forced to have abortions or having intra-uterine contraceptive devices (IUDs) inserted without their consent, according to reports that haveContinue Reading

Child malnutrition: lessons from the Victorian age

Boys at Crumpsall Workhouse, Manchester, circa 1895-1897. Manchester Archives/Wikimedia Commons Food insecurity has become a major issue in the UK. It is estimated that more than 200,000 children have had to skip meals during the coronavirus pandemic. The Trussell Trust has reported an 81% increase in the use of foodContinue Reading

Coronavirus: Kazakhstan denies 'unknown pneumonia' reports but has imposed second national lockdown

Industrial premises being disinfected in Kazakhstan's capital, Nur-Sultan city. Turar Kazangapov Kazakhstan became the first country in the world to enter a second nationwide lockdown on July 5 following a spike in coronavirus cases. The two-week lockdown, which could be extended if the spread of the virus continues, restricts publicContinue Reading