How much exercise is too much?

Pexels The COVID-19 pandemic has made many of us reevaluate our health and take up new exercise regimes. Running and cycling have become increasingly popular as activities that can be carried out by most people without much equipment, while observing social distancing. There are, of course, a wealth of benefitsContinue Reading

Posture: how to feel more powerful and confident

Dragon Images/Shutterstock Holding wide, expansive postures – known as power poses – were once thought to boost confidence by producing hormonal changes and making us feel psychologically more powerful. Attempts to replicate the hormonal findings have proven difficult, though the psychological effect has gone largely unchallenged. But our latest studyContinue Reading

The ten factors linked to increased risk of Alzheimer's disease

Many of these risk factors are preventable. tonkid/ Shutterstock Although there’s still no cure, researchers are continuing to develop a better understanding of what increases a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. A recent study that looked at 396 studies has even been able to identify ten risk factors thatContinue Reading

Coronavirus: why are some people experiencing long-term fatigue?

algae/Shutterstock People who have been seriously unwell and treated on intensive care units can expect to take some months to recover fully, regardless of their ailment. However, with COVID-19, evidence is mounting that some people who have had relatively mild symptoms at home may also have a prolonged illness. OverwhelmingContinue Reading