The niece of its creator is able to see after 120 years her Uncles most famous creation still working. Date Friday 15th October Time 10.00- 12.00 Place Inn for All Seasons, off the old Redruth Bypass Please note that Mrs Hambly is a little reluctant to have too many interviewsContinue Reading

The first solo exhibition by up-and-coming artist Carolyn Wixon will be at the Castle Gallery in Bude, 22nd October – 11th November, 2021. Carolyn’s exhibition is in the Blanchminster Room, which is named after the family that donated this stunning building a stone’s-throw from the beach, to the community. ThereContinue Reading

L aurie Nunn said a well written sex-scene should drive a story and deliver a healthy message but it’s nerve wracking trying to get it right The clue lies in the show’s name – Sex Education and it certainly doesn’t shy away from pushing the boundaries around conversations about sex.Continue Reading