COVID and your gut: how a healthy microbiome can reduce the severity of infection – and vice versa

Helena Nechaeva/Shutterstock A vast combination of microorganisms live in our gut, including bacteria, fungi and viruses. Collectively, we refer to this as the the microbiome. Despite their tiny size, these microbes have significant effects on our health and wellbeing. In fact, the microbiome is often referred to as the “secondContinue Reading

HARROWING images from China show long lines of coffins and body bags being taken into crematoriums as the Covid “mega-tsunami” takes hold. The government has now stopped releasing official daily figures for infections and deaths, but it’s estimated at that least 5000 people are dying a day. Body bags beingContinue Reading

A woman wearing a head scarf is reading a book at home.

In February 2022, the UK government abandoned its remaining pandemic restrictions in favour of “living with COVID”. This approach relies largely on vaccines protecting people from severe disease. However, not everyone benefits equally from vaccines. Former “shielders” – clinically vulnerable people at heightened risk from COVID – number over 3.6Continue Reading

A LONG line of hearses has been seen outside a crematorium in China as the Covid death toll rockets. Chilling video shoes the vehicles queueing at the Beijing crematorium, which is reportedly overwhelmed with a 20-day backlog as the “thermonuclear” outbreak ravages China. The long line of hearses outside theContinue Reading