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Modern monetary theory: the rise of economists who say huge government debt is not a problem
Don't fret. 3DDock There is no limit to the quantity of money that can be created by a central bank such as the Bank of England. It was different in the days of the gold standard, when central banks were restrained by a promise to redeem their money for goldContinue Reading
Do cricket balls really spread coronavirus?
Cricket is now back on in England, despite Boris Johnson declaring cricket balls a “natural vector of disease”. His statement has frustrated cricket fans and players, but has also raised the wider question of which activities spread COVID-19. After all, unlike other activities that the UK government is actively encouraging,Continue Reading
The pandemic shows we need more Black scientists – but who will pay the cost?
Maliutina Anna/Shutterstock The cumulative effects of structural racism were the major contributing factor in the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on groups described as Black, Asian or other minority ethnic (BAME) in the UK. That was the overwhelming message from the recent Public Health England review on the issue. The centralContinue Reading
How countries get away with hoarding drugs in a pandemic
The news that the US has bought the global supply of remdesivir – a drug that can treat COVID-19 – has rightly been criticised as “treatment nationalism”. But the US is not the only country acting selfishly. The UK recently banned the export of dexamethasone – the only drug provenContinue Reading
Volunteering, mutual aid and lockdown has shifted our sense of ‘happiness’
shutterstock Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock As lockdowns around the world ease or end, it’s clear that the coronavirus crisis has brought racial, gender and socio-economic inequalities into sharp focus. The Black Lives Matter protests suggest that a return to “business as usual” will be met with strong opposition. A YouGov poll for theContinue Reading
How COVID-19 led to the closure of popular bookshops in Bangladesh · Global Voices
The pandemic and the lockdown hit the booksellers hard Nilkhet second-hand book market in Dhaka. You can find old, rare, or out of print books here. Image from Flickr by Francisco Anzola. (CC BY 2.0). The COVID-19 situation is worsening in Bangladesh as reflected in the rising death toll. ItContinue Reading
Small-scale pig farmer implements commercial practices
appeared first on Modern Farmer.Continue Reading
Year One
Before the pandemic hit, Modern Farmer spoke to farmers who had completed their first year of farming and were gearing up for their second season. They told us about some of their biggest challenges, how they overcame them, and why it was all worth it in the end. Here areContinue Reading
Year One: Start Small
When it comes to farming, it’s important to start small. There is a lot to learn about growing food, and gradually building up your farm can help your learning curve. Dallas Robinson knows this well. The new farmer didn’t grow to the scale she planned to this year, partly dueContinue Reading
Why so many women still take their husband’s last name
Pexels Our names lie at the heart of our identity. But in Britain nearly all married women – almost 90% in a 2016 survey – abandon their original surname and take their husband’s. The survey found that even most of the youngest married women – those aged 18–34 – choseContinue Reading