Freedom of expression in Kazakhstan still a distant prospect, says prosecuted activist · Global Voices

The political activist Aynur Ilyashev was arrested in April Activist Alnur Ilyashev. Photo used with permission. On the surface, there have been many changes in Kazakhstan in recent years. On March 19, longtime President Nursultan Nazarbayev, who had ruled the country since independence in 1991, stepped down. His successor, Kassym-JomartContinue Reading

Legal expert: forced birth control of Uighur women is genocide – can China be put on trial?

Uighurs protest outside the Chinese embassy in London in 2019. Karl Nesh/Shutterstock Uighur women in China’s Xinjiang province who have more than the approved number of children are being forcibly sterilised, forced to have abortions or having intra-uterine contraceptive devices (IUDs) inserted without their consent, according to reports that haveContinue Reading