What racial discrimination does to young people's wellbeing

fizkes/Shutterstock Discrimination against minority groups can be difficult to prove. Perpetrators are typically motivated to deny their prejudices, and are not always aware of their biases. This makes it possible to suggest – as happened recently in the Dutch national parliament – that racism is virtually nonexistent, and that claimsContinue Reading

The racism faced by teenagers in the UK: new research

Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock Thousands of people took part in Black Lives Matter protests in the UK in recent months, not just in solidarity with Black people in the US following the murder of George Floyd, but also standing against racism in the UK. However, some people in the UK may assume thatContinue Reading

I've been talking to conspiracy theorists for 20 years – here are my six rules of engagement

Coronavirus conspiracy theories fuel anti-vaccination protests. Rebekah Zemansky / Shutterstock.com With prospects of a COVID-19 vaccine looking up, attention is also turning to the problem of anti-vax ideas. According to a recent survey, one in six Britons would refuse a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available. Although vaccine hesitancy isContinue Reading