The Conversation

Positivity is widely seen as an important quality for effective leadership. Upbeat and optimistic leaders can inspire commitment and creativity. But when taken to excess, being positive can become manipulative and counterproductive. In fact, my research has found that excessive positivity can be extremely dangerous. I have examined the frequentContinue Reading

The Conversation

Positivity is widely seen as an important quality for effective leadership. Upbeat and optimistic leaders can inspire commitment and creativity. But when taken to excess, being positive can become manipulative and counterproductive. In fact, my research has found that excessive positivity can be extremely dangerous. I have examined the frequentContinue Reading

The Conversation

Donald Trump and his wife Melania have tested positive for COVID-19 and are now in quarantine, throwing the US 2020 election campaign into disarray. The American president’s infection with coronavirus follows those of the UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, and Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro. While Johnson was seriously ill andContinue Reading

Shipping asylum seekers offshore may boost Priti Patel's hardline image, but Australian example shows it's not a policy that works

PA/Steve Parsons It has been reported that the home secretary, Priti Patel, has been considering sending migrants who arrive in the UK via the English Channel to islands in the Atlantic. While Downing Street later pushed back on the idea of using the far-flung territories of Ascension Island and StContinue Reading