Luke Pollard’s responding to the Chancellor’s Budget

Responding to the Chancellor’s Budget today, Luke Pollard MP said:

“This Budget makes it clear the Chancellor is out-of-touch with the priorities of people in Plymouth.

“Families in Plymouth and across the South West are going to struggle this winter: food prices are going up, gas and electricity prices are going through the roof, and inflation is meaning household budgets are not going as far.

“The Chancellor has hits working people with the highest taxes in peacetime. He gives with one hand and takes so much more with the other.”

“Never has a Chancellor asked the British people to pay so much for so little, loading the burden on working people with tax rises and wasting billions of pounds of taxpayer money.

“If this were a Labour budget, we’d have taxed fairly, spent more wisely, and after a decade of slow growth we’d get Britain’s economy firing on all cylinders. We would have cut VAT on gas and electricity, and have stopped the £1000 a year cut to Universal Credit.”