Should COVID-19 vaccines be mandatory? Two experts discuss

hedgehog94/Shutterstock To be properly protective, COVID-19 vaccines need to be given to most people worldwide. Only through widespread vaccination will we reach herd immunity – where enough people are immune to stop the disease from spreading freely. To achieve this, some have suggested vaccines should be made compulsory, though theContinue Reading

Confused about COVID? Here’s how to read a research paper

Rido/Shutterstock Scientific evidence can be difficult to understand. Normally we can rely on experts to interpret it for us, or the media to accurately report any interesting new discoveries, but the pandemic has challenged this. Almost daily we are faced with contradictory views claiming to be “based on the scientificContinue Reading

The Conversation

The UK government has been accused of stoking fear of COVID-19 and using “scary” graphs to impose public restrictions to control the pandemic. There are many parallels between COVID-19 and cancer: both evoke fear, are viewed as indiscriminate killers, and have prompted large-scale public health responses. For any public healthContinue Reading

Football and dementia: heading must be banned until the age of 18

Shutterstock/Wallenrock Alarm bells are ringing in sport about the risk of a group of chronic, neuro-degenerative diseases, commonly understood as dementia. There is an increasingly large body of evidence which has identified that small, repetitive collisions of the brain inside the skull cause this disease. More high-profile players from England’sContinue Reading

Is belief in God a delusion?

Hassan Saleh/Unsplash, FAL As the pandemic raged in April, churchgoers in Ohio defied warnings not to congregate. Some argued that their religion conferred them immunity from COVID-19. In one memorable CNN clip, a woman insisted she would not catch the virus because she was “covered in Jesus’ blood”. Some weeksContinue Reading

Four reasons you might always feel cold

Some people need to bundle up all year round. Dean Drobot/ Shutterstock Almost all of us will complain of being cold at some point, especially as lower temperatures arrive. But some people feel cold no matter the weather – and there are a number of reasons why this might beContinue Reading

What fabric should you make your face mask from?

TextureWorld/Shutterstock You have probably become used to wearing a face mask in public. And you probably wear a fabric one, as we’ve been urged to save N95, FFP3 and other “clinical grade” masks for healthcare workers. This is despite science not knowing how well fabric masks work. To overcome this,Continue Reading