Christmas turkey: is dark meat or white meat best?

Bochkarev Photography/Shutterstock Turkey, the traditional festive bird features as number three on the “foods consumed at Christmas” list, after roast potatoes and carrots. Yet not all parts of a turkey are created equal in terms of taste and nutritional goodness. The reason for these difference are found in how turkeysContinue Reading

A brief history of Christmas Pudding – and why it can actually be quite good for you

Olesia Reshetnikova/Shutterstock Even in these hard and strange times, Christmas will be celebrated and traditions upheld. And for many British households, Christmas dinner would not be complete without a Christmas pudding – traditionally served with brandy sauce, brandy butter or custard. The Christmas pudding originated in the 14th-century as aContinue Reading

Christmas cancelled? Here's how to cope

SG SHOT/Shutterstock Millions of people in the UK have had their Christmas plans changed at the last moment after the discovery of a new variant of coronavirus led the government to place parts of the country under new restrictions. Many will be bitterly disappointed that their end of year festiveContinue Reading

Walking can relieve leg pain in people with peripheral artery disease

Around 30% of people with peripheral artery disease experience leg pain, numbness, or tingling while walking. beeboys/ Shutterstock Exercise has been used in the treatment of many medical conditions, including heart and lung diseases. But it can also play an important role in treating peripheral artery disease. Our latest reviewContinue Reading

ARFID: the eating disorder that makes people fear food

ARFID sufferers have an inherent fear of food and the act of eating. Shutterstock Most of us are picky about some foods – and that’s normal – but for some people, pickiness can be dysfunctional. A little-known eating disorder – called avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) – canContinue Reading