COVID: why people who refuse to get vaccinated should not have lesser healthcare rights

ORION PRODUCTION/Shutterstock As winter pressures have mounted on the NHS, both health staff and politicians have grown increasingly frustrated with the number of unvaccinated patients needing treatment for COVID. The risk of being hospitalised with COVID is substantially greater for those that haven’t had a vaccine. The latest data suggestsContinue Reading

T-cells: the superheroes in the battle against omicron

David Guzmán/Shutterstock Omicron is spreading rapidly throughout the world, with experts claiming that 40% of the global population will be infected within the next two months. This sounds quite startling, but we still don’t really know whether omicron causes more severe disease than other variants of concern. The signs soContinue Reading

COVID: why T cell vaccines could be the key to long-term immunity

Kateryna Kon/Shutterstock With omicron having rapidly driven up COVID infections, attention is once again focusing on antibodies, and reasonably so. They play a critical role in fighting off viruses and are important for preventing the coronavirus infecting our cells. This is why some countries have mounted booster campaigns in responseContinue Reading

COVID: how to make sense of the UK's new testing rules

Basilico Studio Stock/Shutterstock One positive aspect of the pandemic has been increased public understanding of epidemiology and even virus biology. However, there still seems to be significant confusion when it comes to COVID tests – particularly when or why each type of test can or should be used. Recent changesContinue Reading