A-level debacle has shattered trust in educational assessment

Students protest against A-level results, August 16 2020. I. Salci/Shutterstock After five days of uncertainty and anxiety, Education Secretary Gavin Williamson announced on August 17 that students in England would be awarded their centre assessment grades (CAGs) this summer – that is, the grade their school or college expected theyContinue Reading

Obesity strategy: policies placing responsibility on individuals don't work – so why does the government keep using them?

Most of these initiatives still place emphasis on getting people to change their eating and lifestyle habits. Africa Studio/ Shutterstock The government has recently announced a strategy aimed at reducing obesity in the UK. It will introduce a ban on unhealthy food advertisements on TV before a certain hour, endContinue Reading

The hidden impact of coronavirus on Gypsy, Roma Travellers

Studio 2/Shutterstock We know well by now that coronavirus does not affect everyone equally. In England and Wales, Black people are four times more likely die from COVID-19 than white people, while people from a Bangladeshi background are twice as likely. Coronavirus has also had a disproportionate effect on peopleContinue Reading

It’s time to tackle post-COVID-19 mental health · Global Voices

Patients suffer delirium, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder Photo credit: Oscar Navarrete, used with permission. We human beings tend to trivialise our bodies’ mental and emotional health. We make jokes like “I must be going crazy” or “I have a memory like a sieve”, which could be defence mechanisms againstContinue Reading