Everyone who wants vaccine appointment could get one by late June – Varadkar

Tánaiste Leo Varadkar has said everyone who wants a Covid-19 vaccine appointment could be offered one by the end of June.

As The Irish Times reports, Mr Varadkar raised the prospect at a Fine Gael parliamentary party meeting on Wednesday evening.

Sources said Mr Varadkar told TDs and Senators that an announcement will be made at the end of this month about the future of the State’s pandemic welfare supports.

Some supports could in fact be prolonged into next year for sectors like hospitality, tourism, aviation and the arts, he said.

It is understood he told members that while nothing has been decided, the financial supports will not be removed from July 1st or anywhere around that time.

While an initial boom could be expected with the economy re-opening, this could fall away and the Government does not want to withdraw supports while the economy is still recovering and many people are still not back at work, he said.


Others said the Tánaiste effectively ruled out any hikes to income tax over the coming years after the IMF said a gradual increase in tax revenue should be considered after next year, once a recovery from Covid-19 has taken hold.

Income taxes

While carbon taxes would rise and the local property tax would be revised, he told the parliamentary party that the Government should not “concede” to increases to income taxes.

There was also a conversation about the housing crisis, an issue which is back on the political centre-stage.

Sources at the meeting said Mr Varadkar referenced a “narrative” in recent days of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael blaming each other for issues in housing, and he said: “I don’t think we should be in such a space.”

He is understood to have told the meeting that family homelessness is down 40 per cent from the peak but that many people were not aware of this. Sources said however Mr Varadkar said enough is not being done and that in terms of home ownership the problem is worsening.

He is understood to have described it as a “breach of the social contract”, sources said, saying it is not surprising that parties like Fine Gael are not doing as well in the polls given this fact.