What coronavirus success of Taiwan and Iceland has in common

Taiwan and Iceland have won praise for their effective responses to the coronavirus pandemic. They are among a group of countries which adopted a cooperative strategy early on in the pandemic, bringing together multiple organisations to tackle the challenges in containing COVID-19. A cooperative strategy is when organisations try toContinue Reading

Why children need to be taught more about their human rights

Charlein Gracia/Unsplash Many children have an innate sense of equality, fairness and justice and know how these concepts relate to their day-to-day lives. A lot of children also have the confidence to voice their opinions when they feel a lack of justice. But unfortunately, this is not always that caseContinue Reading

How philosophy can help children cope with uncertain times

5D Media/Shutterstock The current pandemic has interrupted life as we know it. People – individuals and nations – have reacted differently to the shock. We have all had to try to make sense of the situation as restrictions were brought in to govern and modify our daily routines – restrictionsContinue Reading