Nine US supreme court justices under Earl Warren wearing their robes.

After the death of the supreme court justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, President Donald Trump finds himself with an opportunity to tip the US Supreme Court into a 6-3 conservative majority. Appointing a third justice to the court could cement Trump’s political legacy, and that of his conservative supporters, for generations.Continue Reading

Proposed changes to British law could prevent armed forces from taking legal action against the government

Defence Images/Ed Lowe, CC BY-NC-ND The Westminster parliament is currently considering one of the most ill-conceived and misleadingly presented pieces of legislation ever introduced. It purports to do something that it cannot while doing several things it should not. The legislation in question is the Overseas Operations Bill, introduced byContinue Reading

The Conversation

In her first state of the union address as president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen called out hatred and pledged to build “a union of equality”. While European institutions have been at the forefront of fighting hate crime and discrimination in and outside of the EU, memberContinue Reading

Mayflower 400: how the pilgrims coped with separation

Writing letters allowed the puritan community spread across England, Holland and the US feel a lot smaller continue practices that were important to their worship. Scisetti Alfio/Shutterstock Those who emigrated on the Mayflower in 1620 seeking religious liberty might not have realised the challenges that lay ahead of them. RoaringContinue Reading