The Club hosts Devon County Cricket Club’s Minor Counties and Devon Cricket Board games and occasionally teams from the First Class County Game.   The Ground can accommodate 18 wickets as well as allowing for a 65 metre boundary while still having the capacity for spectators to drive onto the groundContinue Reading

Review at a glance F amiliar scenarios develop in unfamiliar ways in this trio of short plays about immigrant groups in Brent, the Kiln theatre’s manor, in the 60s and 70s. None of these scripts are going to set the world alight on their own, but together they build anContinue Reading

Craft a woolly flag to celebrate 10 year of the Woolly weekend for the a chance to win £50 to spend on woolly products at the Woolly Weekend. Ten years ago the first Woolly Weekend was held, bringing stallholders into the old house at Kelly to share their love ofContinue Reading