Georgians approve of government’s COVID-19 response but fear economic downturn, survey finds · Global Voices

Georgians “rallied around the flag” during the pandemic Kostava Street, in Georgia’s capital Tbilisi. Photo (c): Mariam Nikuradze / OC Media. Used with permission. A new survey of public opinion in Georgia during the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed widespread support for the authorities’ response to the pandemic. When COVID-19 reachedContinue Reading

The racism faced by teenagers in the UK: new research

Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock Thousands of people took part in Black Lives Matter protests in the UK in recent months, not just in solidarity with Black people in the US following the murder of George Floyd, but also standing against racism in the UK. However, some people in the UK may assume thatContinue Reading

A never-ending cycle of doctors’ strikes and funding debacles leaves Nigerians at the mercy of the pandemic · Global Voices

Nigerian doctors earn miserable wages, while politicians get fat allowances Doctors walk past women with lying in a ward of the Lagos Island Maternity Hospital in Lagos, Nigeria, via Flickr photo by Sunday Alamba/Commonwealth Secretariat / CC BY-NC 2.0. Doctors in Lagos State embarked on a three-day strike from July 13 to 15,Continue Reading

Indigenous and the Afro-descendant communities in Colombia denounce the assassination of human rights defenders · Global Voices

Homicides against human rights defenders increased by 88 percent in 2020   Hermes Pete, leader of the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca, during the virtual press conference organized by the Association of  Indigenous Councils of Cauca, June 5, 2020. Screenshot by the author, used with permission. On July 7, unknownContinue Reading

COVID-19 in Europe: The price of being rich · Global Voices

Photo: Public domain from Pikist. By Ian Inkster In most of the Western media, the focus on the COVID-19 attack has concerned government policies, their character, efficacy, and extent—as well as their economic cost. Debates on lockdown, face masks, social distancing and the tragedies within care homes and among migrantContinue Reading