Dear Editor, I was disappointed to read the letter from ‘Dick Jameson’ concerning the radio station where I volunteer, with its inaccurate depiction of East Devon Radio.   To pick up the points raised…   The recent name change was quite deliberate in that we wanted listeners in the wider community whoContinue Reading

Saturday 14th August 2021 (Season: 2021-2022) Competition: South West Peninsula League East Division Venue: Erme Playing Fields (Away match) Kick off: 3:00pm Newton Abbot Spurs PhotosContinue Reading

Sugar: here's why some people experience negative side effects when they quit

Sugar is added to many different foods. ilona.shorokhova/ Shutterstock It might surprise you to learn that sugar consumption has actually been steadily decreasing since 2008. This could be happening for any number of reasons, including a shift in tastes and lifestyles, with the popularity of low-carbohydrate diets, like keto, increasingContinue Reading

Ehraz, best two-year-old on my time-handicap and a genuine 2022 classic prospect, is my reason for having a serious punt on first day of the fabulous York ‘Ebor’ meeting which kicks-off a Knavesmire bonanza this afternoon; pound for pound the best fixture on the English racing calendar, by a longContinue Reading

Nine things you don't know about seahorses

Many seahorses mate for life, and males are always pregnant. Steven L Gordon/Shutterstock Seahorses have long been a popular attraction in public aquariums, but they remain mysterious. They are a fish with a difference in that they swim in an upright, vertical position. They have flexible necks and long, tubularContinue Reading

The Labour Party is preparing for its second conference since Keir Starmer became leader, and it’s fair to say things haven’t improved much since Labour lost the 2019 general election. There was the significant by-election loss in Hartlepool, the collapse of Labour’s vote when Lib Dems beat the Tories inContinue Reading