Vaccine passports: Scotland's new rules are toughest in UK – and could hurt events industry

Nightclubs in Scotland will require vaccine certification for entry soon. Piotr Piatrouski/Shutterstock The benefits of a certification scheme, in terms of a public health intervention, in terms of incentivising vaccination, those benefits outweigh the concerns that still remain. Humza Yousaf MSP September 2 2021 Those were the words of theContinue Reading

Five ways to use your garden to support your wellbeing

Enjoying your garden doesn't have to involve gardening – you can make it what you want it to be. Juice Flair/Shutterstock COVID-19 has shown that pandemics can seriously affect people’s physical and mental health. Stress, anxiety and depression have increased around the world, with the greatest effects for those livingContinue Reading

Vaccine passports: Scotland's new rules are toughest in UK – and could hurt events industry

Nightclubs in Scotland will require vaccine certification for entry soon. Piotr Piatrouski/Shutterstock The benefits of a certification scheme, in terms of a public health intervention, in terms of incentivising vaccination, those benefits outweigh the concerns that still remain. Humza Yousaf MSP September 2 2021 Those were the words of theContinue Reading

3rd September 2021 A celebration and Act of Remembrance for those serving in, or have served in the Merchant Navy or Fishing Fleets of the United Kingdom. Programme and Order of Service 1055   The Lord Mayor of Plymouth, Councillor Mrs Terri Beer and her Consort Mr Colin Beer welcomed byContinue Reading

Elymas finished two and a half lengths ahead of Westmorian when they placed sixth and eighth respectively in the six furlongs race won by Maybe Even Never at Thirsk last month; today my preference is the former in an intriguing fourteen-runner Novice Stakes over six furlongs of Newcastle tapeta, bestContinue Reading

The new E10 petrol: will it bring benefits?

New petrol E10 is expected to cut carbon dioxide emissions Gary L Hider/Shutterstock The introduction of a new type of petrol, E10, in the UK may create some extra costs for owners of older cars, but the aim is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. E10 is an automotive fuel madeContinue Reading