Business debt: hidden advantage for giant firms means economy has been K-shaped for decades

Ladders for us, snakes for you. Ratthaphong Ekariyasap When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, it seemed like the day of reckoning for over-stretched corporate borrowers was finally at hand. For years, pundits and policymakers had been warning about a dangerous build-up of the debt of “non-financial firms”, meaning all thoseContinue Reading

Public housing needs radical reform: here's how

Ben Allan/Unsplash, FAL Britain’s housing system is well and truly broken. House-builders sit on land already granted planning permission and drip-feed the market to keep supply low and prices high. Despite the coronavirus crisis, house prices continue to soar, excluding most from ever reaching onto the property ladder. Tax subsidiesContinue Reading

The Conversation

The decision of Hong Kong’s opposition legislators to resign en masse after the government disqualified four of their colleagues on allegations of threatening national security has caused dismay around the world. But another important resignation in Hong Kong, a couple of months ago, received less media coverage. In September, AustralianContinue Reading

Universities have invested in online learning – and it can provide students with value for money

fizkes/Shutterstock As the coronavirus pandemic continues, so does universities’ reliance on online teaching, prompting complaints from students that they are not getting full value from tuition fees. Students who have returned to campus fear that their university experience as a whole is being diminished. Manchester Metropolitan University has moved first-yearContinue Reading