Charity Suffers at least £50,000 financial lose due to extension of social restrictions

The accessible adventure centre and charity, Calvert Trust Exmoor, reports it has already lost more than £50,000 after the Government’s announcement that social distancing restrictions will remain in place until 19th July at the earliest, yet this figure could increase to £100,000.
Calvert Trust Exmoor will remain closed until restrictions are lifted. They must now move or cancel bookings for the 227 people who would have arrived during the new three-week extension period.
Disabled and vulnerable people were ready to return to the centre from 25th June in line with Government timelines, but those booked in before 19th July are faced with the devastating news that their much-needed holidays are now delayed.
The current restrictions mean that households and large groups are unable to mix at the Calvert Trust Exmoor centre. Due to the high number of guests who were booked in during late June and early July, it is not viable for the centre to open legally and safely following social distancing rules.
Calvert Trust Exmoor, in North Devon, usually welcomes thousands of guests each year, most of whom have a disability. The centre has been closed since the start of the pandemic, aside from a few weeks last year, and has lost over £1 million in revenue.
Andrew Laming, Centre Director, said: “The decision to remain closed is not one we’ve taken lightly as it’s devastating for both us and our potential guests.
“Because our facilities are so accessible for people with disabilities, often a visit is the only time our guests can experience what many people take for granted. Accessible activity breaks are much needed right now to help rebuild lives after the negative effects of Covid-19 and social isolation.
“However, with the threat of the Delta variant and the ongoing restrictions, we couldn’t find a way to safely welcome everyone with a booking before 19th July. The way we operate means that it would only be possible to open at 50% capacity to maintain social distancing and comply with current restrictions. Our breaks would be reduced in quality, our full range of services would be unavailable, and guests won’t get the most from their stay.
“We thank our guests for their understanding. Some people have been upset about the decision to stay closed and move bookings, but most guests have been friendly and accepting so we’re being positive and looking forward to the future.”
Calvert Trust Exmoor would welcome donations towards its 25th Birthday Appeal which attempts to raise £250,000 to aid their financial struggles.