Letter from Exeter Cathedral School: Charity Concert 2022

You’ll perhaps know that Creativity & Performance is something we value very much here. Founded in 1179 as a choir school for Exeter Cathedral, we are now a busy place of learning and growth for some 270 girls and boys. True to our choral roots, we continue to place tremendous emphasis on Creativity & Performance, meaning that within our broad and balanced curriculum runs a core strand focusing on Music, Drama and Art.

We are also determined that our school and its people be outward-facing; aware of themselves, of others, and of their individual and collective responsibilities to their community and wider society. Bringing both of these together, I am delighted to be writing to invite you to be part of our Charity Concert 2022.

This is our annual (though this will be the first one in 3 years – we are very excited) gala concert mounted by our Music Department in the spectacular setting of Exeter Cathedral. Taking place on the evening of Thursday 31 March 2022, every pupil in our Prep School (ages 7 to 13) and a wide range of ECS Ensembles, including: Big Band, School of Rock, Jazz Band, Orchestras, Flutopia, the Guitarmadillos, Recorder Ensemble, U-kan-lele, 3 Choirs – to name just a few, will be performing

Our charity of the year is Balloons – a remarkable organisation which works with children and young people in times of bereavement. Balloons aims to ensure that no child, young person or young adult in Exeter, Mid and East Devon goes without the bereavement support they need. We have worked with them since September and directed out fundraising activities towards them, and are pleased to be raising money for them this term via our Charity Concert. All proceeds from our Charity Concert – via our sponsored programme, ticket sales, and retiring collection – will be donated to Balloons.

Tickets are available from TicketSource and further information can be found on our website.