It has been a challenging year for the Veterans Breakfast Club – Covid restrictions preventing any meet-ups, then a gradual relaxation of the rules followed by further curtailment. However, in September of this year we were finally able to start meeting again in a fairly normal manner. Despite all the restrictions of 2020 and 2021, the word had been getting around about the Veterans Breakfast Club and there had been a number of enquiries from Veterans from all the Services thinking about attending. It was great to receive so many enquiries and see those turn in to regular attendees at our monthly breakfast meetings.
A chance comment at our November meeting led to the rapid planning of a Christmas Lunch. Kindly hosted by Tina and Tony of Tina’s Kitchen, exclusive use of their facilities meant we could be as loud as we liked and let our hair down and really enjoy ourselves as the Military seem to be able to do! The conversations were wide and varied, with interesting and funny stories being bandied about over the length of the table, with many people finding themselves the butt of a joke or funny comment, all given and taken in the best Military tradition – “if you can’t take a joke, you shouldn’t have joined!”
An excellent full roast dinner choice of either turkey or beef, followed by Christmas pudding with rum sauce and clotted cream was enjoyed by all attending. Some even managed seconds! Compliments to the chefs flowed freely, as did the wine (and soft drinks for the drivers!).

After a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon, we left to go our separate ways, but not before deciding that we had enjoyed ourselves so much, we needed to plan similar events on a regular basis. Watch out for further reports in the future!
If you are a Military Veteran, we encourage you to come along and see what we are about. There is always a warm welcome and a good breakfast served by Tina and Tony. Our next scheduled meeting will be Saturday 8th January 2022 (although this is subject to any Covid restrictions that may be in place at the time). Our regular meeting is the first Saturday of the month, meeting at Tinas Kitchen between 09.30 and 11.30. We hope to see you there.