Luke calls on South West Tory MPs to Remove Boris Johnson

Luke Pollard, the Labour and Co-operative MP for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport, has called for Conservative MPs to remove Boris Johnson as their leader and as Prime Minister. 

In an open letter to all Tory MPs for the South West, Luke states that Johnson’s is “unfit for office” after revelations this week suggest the Prime Minister may have lied about a Christmas Party in Downing Street which broke Covid protocols, as well as lying about the donations for renovations on his flat. 

He has all cited the break down in trust may mean less people follow new Covid rules to fight the Omicron variant.

Luke has asked South West Tories to put “our region and our country before the interests of the Conservative Party” and get rid of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister. 

Luke said:

“Boris Johnson is unfit for office. If reports are true, he has lied about the parties that took place in Downing Street. While people were stopped from saying goodbye to their loved ones, staff in Downing Street held numerous parties. It is simply untenable for there to be one rule for Boris Johnson and his chums and another for everyone else.

“At a time of national emergency, we need a Prime Minister that commands respect, has moral authority, and tells the truth. So I am asking my Conservative colleagues and friends in the South West: put our region and out country before your Party, and remove Boris Johnson as your leader. Britain deserves so much better than Boris Johnson.”