St Margaret’s launches it’s 2021 starry sky, celebrating Light up a Life

St Margaret’s Hospice is inviting people across Somerset to come together and be part of this year’s Light up a Life campaign.

Traditionally Light up a Life is the time when the hospice invites the local community to gather in churches across the county for a simple service of remembrance. But after more people being able to access the service last year when they were forced to stream the service instead the hospice has now decided to keep the virtual format for 2021.

As well as the service in December the hospice is inviting families across Somerset to share the names of their loved ones in remembrance and celebration.

The St Margaret’s website is home to a virtual night sky where members of the community can dedicate a star in memory of a loved one and make a donation to the hospice.

Dan Holland, whose wife, Sam, was diagnosed with cancer and sadly died at St Margaret’s Hospice’s Taunton In-patient Unit earlier this year is taking part in this special act of remembrance

“It was the little things that made such a different at the hospice. She had an air mattress which was more comfortable for her and big doors that opened out onto a patio with a beautiful garden. It was lovely to have that space and access to fresh air. She had her own bathroom and the big chair in her room was a gamechanger. She couldn’t sit for long out of her bed while in hospital due to the pain in her pelvis, but she sat comfortably in that chair for hours!”

“The care that Sam received was amazing and the staff were incredible,” Dan said. “All I wanted was for her to be comfortable and free of pain and St Margaret’s gave that to Sam. It’s astounding that most of the care Sam received is funded by the community and so I now want to make sure I support them, so they can help more people like Sam.”

“I will be adding a star in Sam’s memory this year and hope others will join me. Not only will it be a wonderful way to remember her but knowing the donation goes to the hospice is fantastic.”

Later on in the year there will also be a special Light Up a Life service which will be broadcast from the Bishop’s Chapel at the Bishop’s Palace in Wells on Sunday, 12 December at 4pm, available to watch via the hospice’s website. The hospice hopes that people from across Somerset can come together to remember and celebrate the lives of loved ones.

For more information, website.