Max Wooseyhas reached the finals of the Amplifon Awards For Brave Britons 2021

A Braunton high school boy has been named a finalist in the Amplifon Awards For Brave Britons 2021 after camping out in his garden for more than 530 nights in aid of the North Devon Hospice.

Max Woosey, 11, who has raised over £557,000 plus £110,000 in Gift Aid, has reached the final four of the Young Hero category in global-hearing specialist Amplifon’s search for the ‘Best of British’ heroes.

Max will now be invited to the virtual awards presentation on Tuesday, October 5. The event will be hosted by BBC1 TV Breakfast and Radio 5 Live presenter Rachel Burden and Falklands War hero Simon Weston will be guest of honor.

Max’s feat began during lockdown in March, 2020, when he decided he wanted to do something with his time to help the hospice which had cared for his 74-year-old neighbour Rick and his wife Sue before they passed away. The tent he started his challenge in was given to Max by Rick.

Setting out with the intention of raising £100 for the hospice by spending a year sleeping under the stars, Max has now surpassed 530 nights, with his only home comforts each night being his teddy bear, a torch, a few Beano comics and some books.

Max’s mum Rachael said: “North Devon Hospice was the only hospice in our area not to have made cuts or redundancies during lockdown and this was only possible due to the money that Max has raised – this has made him want to keep going as his actions have truly made a difference to other people’s lives.”

To commemorate one year of sleeping in his tent, Max organised The Big Camp Out earlier this year where he encouraged other young people across the world to camp out or even just make a den for the night, to raise money for a charity or cause of their choice.

Mum Rachael said: “We know that thousands of other young people across the world took part in this and Just Giving created their first ever page for children to choose a cause to support.

“I am incredibly proud and can’t believe Max’s resilience – he has camped out in storms and temperatures as low as minus four degrees but nothing seems to deter him.”