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Decline of the English pub: coronavirus compounded the industry’s problems
Bikeworldtravel/Shutterstock Coronavirus has had an unprecedented impact on pubs in Britain. The British Beer and Pub Association estimates that the industry lost over £100m each month of lockdown. Hundreds of thousands of staff were placed on the government’s job retention scheme, and 70 million pints of unused beer have beenContinue Reading
Paid for digital streaming has a place in theatre’s return
From classic Andrew Lloyd Webber plays to the release of a recording of the original cast of Hamilton, theatre lovers have been able to stream the best of the stage at home during lockdown. Digital streaming has been a welcome stand-in while live performances haven’t been possible. However, as pubsContinue Reading
The sun is setting on unsustainable long-haul, short-stay tourism — regional travel bubbles are the future
www.shutterstock.com Unprecedented border closures and the domestic lockdown have paralysed New Zealand’s $40.9 billion a year tourism industry. In the process, the vulnerability of the sector to external shocks and the tenuous nature of tourism employment have been exposed. While New Zealand’s handling of the pandemic has been hailed asContinue Reading
UniSuper take note: there’s no retirement on a dead planet
Shutterstock HESTA, the industry super fund for health and community workers, plans to dump its shares in thermal coal mining companies. Beyond that, its Net Zero by 2050 program announced on Friday commits it to cutting the carbon emissions in its portfolio by one third by 2030, and to “netContinue Reading
We developed tools to study cancer in Tasmanian devils. They could help fight disease in humans
Shutterstock Emerging infectious diseases, including COVID-19, usually come from non-human animals. However our understanding of most animals’ immune systems is sadly lacking as there’s a shortfall in research tools for species other than humans and mice. Our research published today in Science Advances details cutting edge immunology tools we developedContinue Reading
In My Blood It Runs challenges the ‘inevitability’ of Indigenous youth incarceration
In My Blood It Runs/ABC Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised this article contains references to deceased people. In 2019, Dujuan Hoosan travelled from Garrwa country in the Northern Territory, to Geneva where he addressed the United Nations Human Rights Council. As he sat by his father’s side,Continue Reading
Stopping koala extinction is agonisingly simple. But here’s why I’m not optimistic
Shutterstock On Tuesday, a year-long New South Wales parliamentary inquiry revealed the state’s koalas are on track for extinction in the wild by 2050, without urgent government intervention. Habitat destruction and fragmentation for agriculture, urban development, mining and forestry has been the number one koala killer since European occupation ofContinue Reading
Victoria is on the precipice of an uncontrolled coronavirus outbreak. Will the new measures work?
I recently wrote about Victoria’s surge in COVID-19 cases. On that day, Victoria recorded 11 new infections, after a few days of new cases in the high teens and low twenties. I wondered then whether the situation could be brought quickly under control. Unfortunately, it has since got much worse.Continue Reading
In a first discovery of its kind, researchers have uncovered an ancient Aboriginal archaeological site preserved on the seabed
S Wright, Author provided For most of the human history of Australia, sea levels were much lower than they are today, and there was extra dry land where people lived. Archaeologists could only speculate about how people used those now-submerged lands, and whether any traces remain today. But in aContinue Reading
Reddit removes millions of pro-Trump posts. But advertisers, not values, rule the day
On Monday, online discussion platform Reddit permanently took down its largest community of Donald Trump supporters, r/The_Donald. The community had more than 7,000 active users per day (although this has previously been much higher). The ban was on the grounds that some posts incited violence, and the community had engagedContinue Reading