Why rural electrification won't fix deforestation in Zimbabwe

GettyImages Reliance on biomass such as fuelwood for energy in rural areas has a strong bearing on Zimbabwe’s environment. Rural communities in Zimbabwe meet 94% of their cooking energy requirements by using traditional fuels, mainly fuelwood, and 20% of urban households use wood as the main cooking fuel. For thisContinue Reading

Why does racism prevail? Leading scholars apply their minds

Patricia De Melo Moreira/AFP/Getty Images All people belong to one biological species and there are no human “races”. So why does belief in race persist? It may be a scientific misconception, but it is real. It defines the lived experience of many people and determines how governments act and howContinue Reading

The Conversation

When seeking to get a picture of the inequality and social injustice faced by black and minority ethnic groups in the UK, a good place to start is the government’s own figures). It’s starkly evident that major ethnic and racial inequalities persist in employment, housing and the justice system. BlackContinue Reading