The Labour Party is preparing for its second conference since Keir Starmer became leader, and it’s fair to say things haven’t improved much since Labour lost the 2019 general election. There was the significant by-election loss in Hartlepool, the collapse of Labour’s vote when Lib Dems beat the Tories inContinue Reading

Exmouth RNLI volunteer crew launched to an incident this afternoon involving a 23ft yacht in Lyme Bay. At 1.05pm today Monday 16 August 2021, H.M. Coastguard tasked Exmouth RNLI All Weather Lifeboat R & J Welburn to attend a report of a 23 foot yacht in difficulties with engine failureContinue Reading

‘I’m’ always prepared to be a ‘Gambler’ when necessary!… and what happened? I’m a Gambler, headline horse yesterday, landed a mighty gamble for readers at 9/4! Temperamental Rawyaan is expected to follow up under Jim! Line Of Descent and Fantasising will both be journeyed from Newmarket to Hamilton today forContinue Reading