Многие научные открытия продолжают оспариваться политиками и частью общественности еще долгое время после достижения научного консенсуса. Например, почти треть американцев до сих пор не согласны с тем, что выбросы ископаемого топлива вызывают изменение климата, даже несмотря на то, что научное сообщество пришло к консенсусу, который они сделали несколько десятилетий назад.Continue Reading

Earth's inner core is growing more on one side than the other – here’s why the planet isn't tipping

Argonne National Laboratory/flickr, CC BY-NC-SA More than 5,000 kilometres beneath us, Earth’s solid metal inner core wasn’t discovered until 1936. Almost a century later, we’re still struggling to answer basic questions about when and how it first formed. These aren’t easy puzzles to solve. We can’t directly sample the innerContinue Reading

The world’s most sophisticated commercially available spyware may be being abused, according to an investigation by 17 media organisations in ten countries. Intelligence leaks and forensic phone analysis suggests the surveillance software, called Pegasus, has been used to target and spy on the phones of human rights activists, investigative journalists,Continue Reading

Golden Tree Productions, the team that masterminded the Man Engine and Kerdroya: The Cornish Landscape Labyrinth, are inviting primary schools across Cornwall to Go Cornish! Commissioned by Cornwall Council, the Go Cornish for Primary Schools programme aims to give every child growing up in Cornwall the opportunity to learn somethingContinue Reading

Golden Tree Productions, the team that masterminded the Man Engine and Kerdroya: The Cornish Landscape Labyrinth, are inviting primary schools across Cornwall to Go Cornish! Commissioned by Cornwall Council, the Go Cornish for Primary Schools programme aims to give every child growing up in Cornwall the opportunity to learn somethingContinue Reading

·       Educational specialists will revamp prisoners’ learning experience to boost rehabilitation ·       Prisoners with neurodivergent needs such as dyslexia and autism to be better identified and supported ·       Goal to cut crime and reduce reoffending that costs taxpayers £18 bn per annum Prisoners at HMP Bristol with learning needs such as dyslexia and ADHD willContinue Reading