Can the laws of physics disprove God?

Could God travel faster than the speed of light? robert_s/Shutterstock I still believed in God (I am now an atheist) when I heard the following question at a seminar, first posed by Einstein, and was stunned by its elegance and depth: ‘If there is a God who created the entireContinue Reading

Extremist minds: these psychological traits might help identify people vulnerable to becoming radicalised

How the brains of people with extreme views work. Aexandros Michailidis The characteristics of peoples’ brains might offer clues about the political beliefs they hold dear. In a study of around 350 US citizens, we examined the relationship between individuals’ cognitive traits – the unconscious ways in which their brainsContinue Reading

After blocking Australian news, Facebook’s free speech myth is dead – and regulators should take notice

mundissima/Alamy Stock Photo, CC BY-NC Facebook’s recent decision to block its Australian users from sharing or viewing news content has provoked a worldwide backlash and accusations of hubris and bullying. The row has also exposed the fragility of Facebook’s founding myth: that Mark Zuckerberg’s brainchild is a force for good,Continue Reading

Forget the Large Hadron Collider – our team has designed a particle accelerator the size of a large room

A prototype of our novel plasma-based particle accelerator EuPRAXIA Conceptual Design Report In 2010, when scientists were preparing to smash the first particles together within the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), sections of the media fantasised that the EU-wide experiment might create a black hole that could swallow and destroy ourContinue Reading

Quantum leap: how we discovered a new way to create a hologram

Inna Bigun/Shutterstock Once, holograms were just a scientific curiosity. But thanks to the rapid development of lasers, they have gradually moved centre stage, appearing on the security imagery for credit cards and bank notes, in science fiction movies – most memorably Star Wars – and even “live” on stage whenContinue Reading