Barbados declares intent to recognise same-sex unions and exit the British monarchy · Global Voices

The country continues to make bold moves towards self-determination Composite image created using screenshots of elements of a public domain image of the Barbados flag by Cezary Biele on Wikimedia Commons, and from an image of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II wearing her Coronation robes and regalia by BiblioArchives / LibraryArchivesContinue Reading

How the world’s six largest economies are faring amidst the global political economy of COVID-19 · Global Voices

Together, these six nations represent 44 per cent of the world’s population Coronavirus image concept of medical face mask and money, representing the pandemic and economic damages by Jernej Furman on Flickr, CC BY 2.0. By Ian Inkster On September 6, 2020, officially recorded cases of COVID-19 surpassed 27 million,Continue Reading

In Peru, indigenous youth rap against sexual violence · Global Voices

#WarmallanAmaraqMamaqa is Quechua for “Girls, not mothers” “The girls are suffering”. Screenshot of video “Warmallan amaraq mamaqa” (Girls, not mothers). Video by Kusi Kawsay uploaded in YouTube. On September 6, high school students from the Cusco region of Peru marked International Indigenous Women’s Day by creating a rap video demandingContinue Reading

AI called GPT-3 can now write like a human without thinking like one

Bas Nastassia/Shutterstock Since it was unveiled earlier this year, the new AI-based language generating software GPT-3 has attracted much attention for its ability to produce passages of writing that are convincingly human-like. Some have even suggested that the program, created by Elon Musk’s OpenAI, may be considered or appears toContinue Reading