People with depression can sometimes experience memory problems – here's why

Depression affects our short-term memory. Lightspring/ Shutterstock While we often associate depression with low mood, tiredness and feelings of hopelessness, less well known is that some people with depression may experience problems with their memory – such as feeling more forgetful than usual. Though memory problems aren’t discussed as widelyContinue Reading

Work addiction can be harmful to mental health

'Workaholics' are driven to work excessively. Roman Samborskyi/ Shutterstock As a culture, we’ve come to value growth and productivity, making paid work not only a necessity, but a central concern in peoples’ lives. Yet this attitude towards work is harming us more than it’s helping, with research showing that workaholismContinue Reading

The Conversation

Officials in Halmstad municipality, Sweden, recently forced a teacher to remove their mask and prohibited the use of masks and all forms of PPE in schools. The municipality said there was no scientific evidence for wearing masks, citing the Swedish public health agency. At the time, agency guidance stated thatContinue Reading

AstraZeneca vaccine: delaying the second dose increases protection, according to new data

Yuganov Konstantin/Shutterstock The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is effective at preventing people from developing COVID-19 and could reduce viral transmission, according to a new scientific paper from the team behind the vaccine. The paper also suggests that delaying the second dose to 12 weeks after the first works especially well. The protectiveContinue Reading