It was, in many ways, a gleaming example of just how strong our love for music remains. Social media was taken over by statistics, a flurry of figures showing just how many millions of hours we’ve all spent listening to our favourite artists over the past year — whether itContinue Reading

Yes, it’s that time of year again when we debate if it might not be too early to start buying Christmas presents or putting up some lights. When I was growing up, my mother used to decorate the Christmas tree on the 24th December and festive lights in people’s gardensContinue Reading

They are among the names showing work in a street art exhibition on Portobello Road. Pizzorno, who exhibits his work under the name daft-apeth, is not the only artist on show with a background in the music business. Jamie Reid Also involved is Jamie Reid whose best known works includeContinue Reading

W hen Charly Clive found out she had a brain tumour, she felt like the ground had crumbled beneath her, leaving a big hole. Describing it as a “shock”, she put on a brave face and, also, an inflatable sumo suit and bounced around the garden with her best friendContinue Reading