Why does racism prevail? Leading scholars apply their minds

Patricia De Melo Moreira/AFP/Getty Images All people belong to one biological species and there are no human “races”. So why does belief in race persist? It may be a scientific misconception, but it is real. It defines the lived experience of many people and determines how governments act and howContinue Reading

The Conversation

When seeking to get a picture of the inequality and social injustice faced by black and minority ethnic groups in the UK, a good place to start is the government’s own figures). It’s starkly evident that major ethnic and racial inequalities persist in employment, housing and the justice system. BlackContinue Reading

Seven ways social distancing will change restaurants

Follow Focus/Shutterstock COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on the restaurant industry. While a few restaurants have found ways to provide takeaway and dine-at-home offerings, the majority of businesses have shut up shop during lockdown. From July 4, restaurants in the UK are permitted to open – but dining outContinue Reading

A more guided visit – how to reopen museums and galleries safely

Takashi Images/Shutterstock Museums and galleries in the UK are opening their doors to the public in July. But reopening will be conditional on their ability to implement safety measures. Social distancing is obviously vital in these institutions, which were often described as overcrowded when life was more normal. To beContinue Reading