Ascending will be difficult to beat if he stays seven furlongs of ‘soft’ Leicester ground today, having shaped well at the Midlands venue on a contrasting ‘good to firm’ surface ten weeks ago; Clive Cox is not a guesser and the Lambourn trainer, along with stable jockey, Adam Kirby, willContinue Reading

Shutterstock/wavebreakmedia As restrictions are gradually lifted, travelling abroad will be a high priority for many people. But for a disabled person, getting away on holiday can seem like a distant dream – with or without a pandemic. People with disabilities are still subjected to systematic discrimination when it comes toContinue Reading

Shutterstock/GaudiLab Using social media celebrities to advertise products – influencer marketing – is a lucrative and rapidly growing industry, projected to be worth up to US$15 billion (£10.7 billion) by 2022. Influencers profit from their online fame by collaborating with brands, endorsing products to their followers in return for aContinue Reading