Myanmar coup: how the military has held onto power for 60 years

h The military once again hold the reins of power in Myanmar. Citing constitutional provisions that give the military control in national emergencies, army officers detained government leaders in the early hours of February 1 2021, including state counsellor and popular national leader Aung San Suu Kyi. An announcement onContinue Reading

Is your mask effective against COVID-19? Three questions you should ask yourself

Check your mask for fit, filtration and breathability. Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock The emergence of new, potentially more infectious, coronavirus variants has led many people to worry about the effectiveness of their masks in protecting themselves and other people from catching COVID-19. Some experts are recommending people wear two masks in orderContinue Reading

The Conversation

The European Commission has temporarily restricted exports of vaccines produced in the EU following a dispute with AstraZeneca about supplies to member states. It says that it has invested in the development process and is concerned about the way some manufacturers are handling orders. This comes after AstraZeneca told theContinue Reading