The Stansted 15 appeal: a hollow victory for the right to protest?

Stansted 15 standing before Chelmsford Crown Court prior to sentencing. Mark Kerrison/Alamy Live News To widespread delight, Ian Burnet, lord chief justice, handed down judgement in the Court of Appeal, quashing the convictions of direct action protesters known as the Stansted 15. Following the release from prison of three anti-frackingContinue Reading

The Conversation

The problem of enforcing coronavirus restrictions without coming into conflict with significant parts of the population has afflicted many police forces during the pandemic. Reports, unimaginable a year ago, of weddings, christenings and other social gatherings being broken up have naturally led to concerns about police overreach. In Northern Ireland,Continue Reading

How to choose educational apps for pre-school children

WitthayaP/Shutterstock Lockdowns and school closures have pushed more aspects of our lives online. This has encouraged parents and children to engage with apps and other forms of digital media more frequently than before the pandemic. For parents of young children, touchscreen apps may be a valuable resource for educational purposes.Continue Reading