Why we're obsessed with music from our youth

It was better in the old days. Deflector Image/Shutterstock People tend to be extremely nostalgic about the music they listened to when they were young. If you were a teenager in the 1970s, chances are you will love Queen, Stevie Wonder or ABBA. And if you were young in theContinue Reading

The Conversation

The UK government announced that from February 15, British and Irish residents travelling to England from “red list” countries will have to quarantine in a government-sanctioned hotel for ten days, at a personal cost of £1,750. Accommodation must be booked in advance, and people will need to have two COVIDContinue Reading

Pigs can play video games, scientists discover

Porknite. Anders Moden Pigs might not be able to fly, but they can play video games. In a new study, researchers from Purdue University in Indiana, US have shown that pigs can use a digital screen and joystick, operated by their snout, to move a cursor around for rewards. ThisContinue Reading

The Stansted 15 appeal: a hollow victory for the right to protest?

Stansted 15 standing before Chelmsford Crown Court prior to sentencing. Mark Kerrison/Alamy Live News To widespread delight, Ian Burnet, lord chief justice, handed down judgement in the Court of Appeal, quashing the convictions of direct action protesters known as the Stansted 15. Following the release from prison of three anti-frackingContinue Reading