President Jeff Horgan, Members and Ladies of the Lions Club of Plymouth proudly announce the 100th birthday of Honorary Member Marie Heathershaw.
Marie moved to Plymouth after W.W.2 with her husband Reuben and lived in Peverell. Reuben was a founder member of the Lions Club of Plymouth and was President of the club for the year 1976/1977. They both took an active part forming and running the club and were always involved in its fundraising activities.
In her later years Marie worked as a Civil servant at the Plymouth Royal Naval Dockyard.
After Reuben’s death Marie set up a trust fund for the Lions Club of Plymouth, with all interest received used to provide additional funds to supplement the charitable donations made to the local Community. Marie continued to be actively involved in many of the fund raising activities for the club, she embraced the annual Jumelage (a twinning with the Morlaix Lions club in France) and visited Morlaix regularly where she has many friends.
Marie was recently awarded a Lions fellowship in recognition of her hard work, devotion and involvement in Lionism. Marie has always remained involved in the club’s wellbeing and despite her recent relocation to live with her daughter Lynn in St Columb in Cornwall, she still attends Lion social functions health and Covid permitting.
Marie will become a Centenarian on the 10th January 2022
Marie is still part of our Lion family and we all remember her kindness, generosity, fun loving enthusiasm, reliability and desire to never let anyone down. We all wish her continued long life, good health and much happiness.