Neroche Woodlanders today announced a new Climate-Aware Volunteering programme, open to anyone living around Taunton, Wellington and the Blackdown Hills. A series of free, short introductory session starts in January 2022, to welcome new volunteers into the woods, while at the same time helping them learn more about climate and nature.
Organiser Gavin Saunders said: “We’re aiming this new programme at people who want to do something practical outdoors to help wildlife and people, and who also feel worried or confused about the climate and biodiversity crises, and want to learn more while connecting with others.”
There will be four woodland-based learning days, fortnightly on Wednesdays. Participants will explore aspects of climate issues through discussion, outdoors around a campfire, while also getting a hands-on introduction to practical conservation work. The topics for the four sessions will be:
Wed 12th January
COP26, Net Zero, 1.5 degrees, and other jargon – getting your head round the basics
Wed 26th January
Trees and carbon – understanding how hard they work for us
Wed 9th February
Meat, livestock, grass and soil – exploring the complexities
Wed 23rd February
Personal action for the climate – what can we usefully do as individuals?
The sessions will be led by Gavin Saunders and Jenny Archard, who together founded Neroche Woodlanders more than ten years ago.

For more information on the Climate-Aware Volunteering opportunity with Neroche Woodlanders contact or 07760 665378 (Gavin Saunders).