Luke comments on Keyham investigation update

Commenting on the investigation by the Police watchdog, the Independent Office for Police Conduct into Devon and Cornwall Police after the Keyham shooting, Luke Pollard MP said:

“We are now one step closer to getting the answers we need as a community. People in Keyham and Ford need to know why the killer was issued with a gun certificate, why it was removed and why his firearm was returned to him.

“I have met with the IOPC and know that they are conducting a thorough investigation. That another individual in the police has been served with a gross misconduct notice shows that there are serious questions that need answering. I believe that the whole system of gun control needs serious reform.

“The victims’ families and our community need to know how and why this tragedy happened so we can seek changes in the law to stop another shooting like this ever happening again.”

“I would like to thank everyone in our community, especially in Keyham and Ford, for coming together at this difficult time. We will get through this together.”