Tory MPs talk out bill to stop fire and rehire

Today in the House of Commons, Conservative MPs talked out a bill that would have stopped companies using fire and rehire tactics.

The Bill, brought be Labour’s Barry Gardiner MP, sought to address the practice used by companies to fire workers and re-employ them on lower pay with poorer conditions. This includes a large number of British Gas workers in Plymouth.

Luke Pollard said:

“Fire and rehire tactics are unfair and wrong. I supported the Bill to stop these unfair tactics being used, having seen the impact of them on hard-working British Gas staff in Plymouth. It is often very profitable companies that use Fire and Rehire to squeeze workers and return more money to shareholders. 

“The best way to have thriving businesses is to have motivated workers. I am very disappointed that the government encouraged Conservative MPs to talk out the Bill. This is a Parliamentary trick that meant they avoided voting against the Bill but could stop becoming law it nonetheless. To workers impacted by this, it means the same.”

The Bill was backed by trade unions the GMB, the RMT, USDAW, UNISON, and Unite the Union.