Letters for the Editor: Pensioners lose £60,000 in there dream home

Hey I’m writing in to you in regards of my parents and the situation they have been left in. They brought a holiday lodge about two years ago on a well known site in newquay, it was sold to them as a new lodge, the lodge was not new and had been sited before and was in the compound for some time. The lodge had problems with the following the flooring, doors not shutting, leaking, handles missing , cracking to the walls, faded curtains, missing furniture, mattresses missing, damaged appliances . The site was asked to put all the problems write by my parents, this has now been on going for 18 months now , since the purchase of this luxurious lodge there has been problems with the appliances, the oven had problems, then the fridge and then the freezer, then the boiler, they was all out of warranty as the lodge was not new , they have had a constant battle with this site in newquay, they asked for there money back , the site said no , they started with the manager, then it went to the legal team, but still refused to , the manager has been very unprofessional saying my mum n dad are bad characters in the email regarding this problem, that’s slander and not professional of them to say that. My parents have empty the lodge and now are having to try and sale it , it cost them £165,000 and now it’s worth £100.000 . A lose of £65.000 in less then 2 years, My mum n dad are devastated, warn out and now are living in a one bedroom flat that they are renting with very little money they have, all there over belonging are in storage as they dont have the room for it all, my dad had a heart attack with all the stress of this. He has Parkinson’s disease and has been left devastated by all this, they want to take it to court ,but now dont have the motivation to do so , as they are both drained from this. If they manage to sale it they will not have enough money to buy another place to live in and if they dont sell it they will be stuck and each year they will lose more money , in another 2 years it will be worth £60.000 , I’m so angry about all this, but my hands are tied as I’m stuck in France with the lock down and virus situation at this time,my mum n dad have work all there live for this and now this, its unfair and it should be addressed and they should have a full refund in my eyes.