New Traineeships Programme launched for unemployed 19-24 year olds

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic there has been a large increase in youth unemployment for young people aged 16-24.  Unemployment for young people has increased by 66,000, a 13% increase compared to 12 months ago, to 14.2%.

Given the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many young job seekers are experiencing challenges in finding a job and are at risk of becoming not in education, employment or training. 

In July the Chancellor announced a significant expansion of Traineeships as part of his Summer Economic Update.  The Plan for Jobs included a commitment to provide 20,000 new Traineeships to get young people aged 16 to 24 in England into work.

Looe based Whitehead-Ross Education is one of these organisations who is involved in delivering the Traineeships programme and is supporting young people aged 19 -24 back into work in Looe. Young people, aged 19-24, who are unsure of what to do next can sign up to this new 18 week programme and access:

  • 70 hour voluntary work placement to gain experience.
  • Functional Skills Maths & English, if they did not achieve GCSE English and Maths.
  • Level 1 Award in Employability Skills.
  • Digital Skills
  • Dedicated tutor and staff for support and guidance.
  • 2 week work placement in Malaga, Spain, with flights and accommodation paid for through Erasmus+.

Ian Ross, Managing Director at Whitehead-Ross Education, said:

“Traineeships are free to access and provide a great opportunity to prepare for work, with CV writing and what to expect in the workplace, along with a high-quality work placement.  We are also excited to have funding for young people to spend 2 weeks on a placement in Malaga, Spain, when COVID restrictions ease.”