The Royal Air Force Police Association were proud for two of the members

The Royal Air Force Police Association were proud for two of the members, Sid Inch and Standard Bearer George Poad to represent the Association to present Dave Hutson, the Coordinator of a Project to Build an Earthquake resilient house in Nepal, with a cheque to the value of £250.00 towards the fund he is raising to complete the project. When the target is reached the fund will be transferred to the Gurkha Welfare Trust who have undertaken to provide each house complete.
Dave is appealing to raise sufficient money for this very worthy cause. The appeal has the support of the Federation of Plymouth and District Ex-Service Associations and many have now donated. More support is welcome and should you wish to make a donation, however small, it will be gratefully received by Dave and acknowledged either via the Association or personally.
After the Earthquakes in 2015 and Floods in 2018 the Gurkha Veterans and their Dependants , many in their 80’s/90’s, have survived in poor conditions on poor pensions and deserve our continued support to provide them with good housing and facilities. These proud people have served , and continue to serve this Country in every theatre of conflict for over two centuries and now we can repay their loyalty.