Luke responds to Government’s Integrated Defence Review

Responding to the Government’s Integrated Defence Review that was announced by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons today, Devonport’s MP Luke Pollard said:
“After two botched defence reviews under this Government, Plymouth needs this one to be about investment – not cuts. But I fear despite the polished headlines, more Tory defence cuts are coming next week. Since 2010, £8bn has been cut from the defence budget and full-time Armed Forces cut by nearly 45,000.“As Devonport’s MP, I have fought strongly against the Conservative plan to sell Devonport’s HMS Ocean to Brazil and to protect HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark from being cut. I am concerned that there are risks to the Royal Navy frigate force, with two frigates slated to be cut. Cutting an already under-strength army by 10,000 personnel will also worry many in Plymouth who want Britain’s armed forces to stay strong.“The decision to park announcement of the latest defence cuts until next week so it does not sully the Prime Minister’s headlines today is cynical and continues to play games with our armed forces. Our armed forces deserve better.”