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Alzheimer’s disease: protective gene uncovered in human cell model – bringing promise for new drug discoveries
Our method could someday potentially detect the disease before it starts developing in a person's brain. Robert Kneschke/ Shutterstock Every three seconds, someone in the world develops dementia. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. While researchers have identified a number of risk factors that are linked toContinue Reading
Authorities’ response to social unrest in Trinidad & Tobago raises debate about police power and public trust · Global Voices
“We must invest in — not alienate — underserved and vulnerable communities” Riot police at the St. James Amphitheatre in Trinidad during the Drummit2Summit protests on April 18, 2009. Photo by Georgia Popplewell on Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. After officers from the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) shot andContinue Reading
Russia and the Gulag: Putin is fighting for state control over how Soviet horrors are remembered
Army soldiers digging mass graves to try and show that the state wasn’t responsible for the dead. A historian who vehemently disagrees behind bars on charges that many believe are false. Organisations that support him being attacked by an omnipotent power. It might sound like some movie, but this isContinue Reading
One vaccine to beat COVID, Sars, Mers and common cold – possible?
PhotobyTawat/Shutterstock SARS-CoV-2 – the virus that causes COVID-19 – belongs to the family of betacoronaviruses that cause everything from the common cold to Mers (which kills about one in three people infected). Despite causing a wide range of symptoms, these viruses all share similarities. If they’re similar enough, could oneContinue Reading
‘African art has nourished all civilizations’: A Conversation with Algerian artist Rachid Koraichi · Global Voices
Rachid Koraichi solo exhibition, 2016. Credit: Aicon Gallery Paris-based Algerian artist Rachid Koraichi, 73, is known around the world for his use of numbers, letters, mystical symbols and signs in his artworks. He is also an outspoken critic of the challenges people regularly face in the Middle East and NorthContinue Reading
The state of LGBTQI+ rights in India: An interview with India Supreme Court Advocate Saurabh Kirpal · Global Voices
“There is, however, a very long way to go” Image via Pexels by Sachin Bharti. Used under a Pexels License. On September 6, 2018, India’s Supreme Court ruled that consensual homosexual acts would no longer constitute a crime. The historic move reversed Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code which wasContinue Reading
The Uyghur Meshrep: A traditional community gathering censored in China · Global Voices
Screenshot from a YouTube video featuring a meshrep in Almaty. The Uyghurs, a Turkic nation of over 25 million people who live across Central Asia, have a long history and a rich cultural heritage that combines elements of nomadism and sedentarism, pre-Islamic, Sufi, and Muslim spiritual traditions. One component ofContinue Reading
Summer statement: £2 billion scheme will not be enough to prevent mass youth unemployment
BasPhoto/Shutterstock There are nearly seven million 16-24 years olds in the UK. As many of this group finish school, college or university, they face the real prospect of long-term unemployment. Young people who were already in work at the start of the coronavirus pandemic have been one of the groupsContinue Reading
‘Venezuela has gone backwards’ on LGBTIQ+ rights, says congresswoman Tamara Adrián · Global Voices
An interview with the first transgender congresswoman in Venezuela Photo published by the National Assembly of Venezuela. This article is part of our special coverage of LGBTIQ+ Pride Tamara Adrián, the first transgender National Assembly member in Venezuela and the second in the region, is a leading figure in theContinue Reading
Al Jazeera, Malaysiakini, and Code Blue news websites probed for critical reporting in Malaysia · Global Voices
Civil society has issued a robust response to the crackdown Collage from the news websites of Al Jazeera, Malaysiakini, and Code Blue, plus the cover of a banned book in Malaysia. News groups, editors, and journalists continue to face charges and investigations in Malaysia for fulfilling their duty to inform.Continue Reading